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James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from dizzlez :Hi man your mechanic here, you are going downhill again hehe i know how i can get you a teamspeak possibly, i can design a website (maybe) but it wouldnt be .com but best not make .com untill the team lasts 1year or more or somthing man you have admit ur rushing on in, you will meet people online buddy i will design skins again if u dont have any but i wont make it for all the cars -_- (Again) i put like 24 hors on those and u change the name lol anyway no worry's hope any of this helps

JosH - Your Mechanic (or your guardian angel since what we have been through)

Good Luck

He has alot of good points, we are rushing in.

We should concentrate on getting server and our leauges before making a .com website and getting lots of people, trust the people in our team at the moment, we havnt let you down yet.
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Those are very good skins

Im sure there was Mansell Ferrari skin somewhere as well, i'll have a look for it.
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
looking good so far
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Sam, that is the end of this arguement, all sorted on msn now, that is (hopefully) end of the arguement now, no need for more banning or punishments ect...............
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
[quote=LFSn00b;414538]Why are you still trying to piss me off? You know PWRL already lost to DR. And i know the FXO skins suck.

not gonna make this personal but we won one race each so shut up about that.

Read what i said afterwards jack ass.......................
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from dynofiend :i find it slightly offensive that someone is allowed to post a skin promoting an illegal drug, no matter how 'soft' it is seen by some (soon to be schizophrenic) users

Crap i didnt realise thats what it was, well in that case, Niko sorry but dont say its rubish unless yours are perfect as well.

Didnt the heads of LFS say we are not allow to advertise stuff like that and porn?
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
You will find out with niko that he is very point blank,

i know of plenty of his skins that are crap, i dont wanna give him advice coz then he will take it the wrong way.

Note: Be carefull what you say aswell coz it will end in tears (Just saying from previous experiance)
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
I live in Jersey but my background is Scotish (thus the Scotish flag) and since they dont hav jersey Flag on LFS might as well show nationality.

But id like it if posible to have Jersey Flag
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
[quote=Burnzoire;410998]I'm back from my trip... before I left I released the skins here

regarding skin requests... the skin is meant to be realistic, so officially recognised flags would be appropriate... :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

Jersey is a proper place, and the flag is real, ever heard of channel islands?
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
shit ure quick at replying lol

Anyone else got any sugestions or coments to make about my proposal?
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :As i have said to Kenneth before,sometimes he picks and accepts people to fast,just becase they might be someway fast in that paticular server,I'm no genius at what ye like to call scouting players but in my opinion i think you should watch the driver for a bit before taking them on board,basically kenneth,set your standards higher,

Advice: good

I have thought of that, and my plan is on one track, to have a custom made track, with lots of different tests on it, e.g rallytests, handling, braking ect............. and the most promising person gets a place in Prawler, obviusly takes more then one day, but will become a school where promising n00bs can prove them selves.

Hey and some of kenneth's choices are good, he picked me didnt he

he he, fastest FXR driver on the IGTC server with 1:31.72
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
I know there has been alot of problems and i dont actuly know why people have somthing against prawler

(Lets hope Sam dont need to get involved again lol)

Anyways, we are still looking for recruitments, though i must admit that idiot has given me a very good idea,

10 miles
with in 3 minutes of the wr for 5 combos."

He might have a point

Mabe prawler should make a school type thing, and the best gets a place in the team.

What u think guys?

Give me your opinion thx
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from T-6 TURBO :that maybe true but its realistic.... in real life u dont shift gears in .2 seconds....thats why i think the guy shifting the gear should be added

I'm too young to drive a kart with gears on, but they go extremly quick, one of the drivers has about 20 years experiance, and his reaction to changing gears is lightning not even a second in each change.
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Quote from milkkis :My XRR skin based on the Group B rally car Lancia Delta S4, i've always liked more that gold/black paint than the martini racing, hope you like it too!
Should fit on XRT pretty well too, already hosted in LFSWorld

Lovely skin, "imo" good colour combo
(any chance of me getting that tyre wall skin )
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Can i order a skin with #14 and jersey flag,

And red mirrors please.
Last edited by James Montgomery, .
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
O i am, niko is having hissy fit on msn atm so im setting things right here
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
u should have kept it

It shows that niko was being a prat but i am sorting it out on msn atm.
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
G25 set to max on settings, and 200% on LFS

Redicusly high and makes it overheat but very realistic like tht=]
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
Not trying to sound like a smartarse but......

Alot of F1 Drivers use the curbs for the hotlaps, either turning though i remember there was one race i think in Jerez where they did use the curbs whilst braking.

Also Single seaters are desinged for curbs but its the touring cars that have a bad problem with curbs, i went to brands hatch and someone went over the curbs whilst there tyres were cold and the tyre exploded (not like kaaboom type thing but that it went out of shape and made it buckle) , so wether the tyres react at different tempretures as well i dont know but i think that would make racing more interesting if they have that in them.
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
this is interesting, cant u just ask puma though for permission to use there name?
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
lol joke kenneth and halfords guys.

James Montgomery
S2 licensed
i like that formet, lol that is the same type of racing like at my karting club, 3 heats with 10laps and a final that is 15 (though with no pit stops lol)

Ok count me in but do put a pole in so we can see what the people want.


LFSW nama: james montgomery
Team: PUMA Motorsport (posibly halfordss next week )
number: urm cant remember, kenneth was it 14?
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
LMAO, so funny

Can i ask, why is your dp of you (at least i guess its you) wearing 2 watches?
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
its not my helmet but i do have a prost 85 edition if its of any use?
James Montgomery
S2 licensed
add me in however u do.